Grant plan statements
PDG Statement
Pupil Development Grant (Education Other Than At School)
Grant amount: £38072. This is an increase from last year’s grant which was £37950
The Bridge Achievement Centre started the school year with 70 pupils on roll in September 2024, this is an increase on the 68 pupils who started in September 2023. Our numbers always rise throughout the year and may exceed over 100 before the end of the year. Around 50% of our pupils are eligible for free school meals.
We provide the following opportunities to support pupils who are facing poverty and deprivation:
Highly individualised opportunities to access appropriate vocational training
Improved outcomes in literacy, numeracy and wellbeing through targeted support
Our Standards Grant/PDG plans are regularly scrutinised by the Management Committee, supported by advice and challenge from the Local Authority and from the Education Achievement Service (EAS).
Details of our Standards Grant/PDG plans are available at the Centre.
Please use this link to apply for free school meals: Apply for free school meals here